How to Enjoy Thanksgiving with Healthy Holiday Tips & Guilt Free Indulgences

Thanksgiving has always been a special time of the year for me. I am always grateful for all the blessings in my life and for the special people in my life. So many of us make it about the food and the real meaning of giving thanks for our loved ones usually is secondary. This year make it about family, relationships and spending the time to really enjoy the company of your friends, family and loved ones. Here are a few tips for surviving Thanksgiving without gaining weight:
1. Get in a morning workout- this will help you burn more calories and earn your food
2. Stack the plate with veggies - organic raw veggies should fill 70-80% of your plate with olive oil or avocado oil
3. Load up with the turkey - eat more turkey (which is loaded with protein) and fills
you up more than the heavy carbs like potatoes, rice, stuffing etc.
4. Add healthy fats - fats fill you up; add olive oil or avocado oil to your salad, load up on the gravy, LOTS OF FATS
5. Swap out the carbs - try cauliflower rice, low carb breads, sauerkraut as sides; swap out heavy carbs with the almond flour, coconut flour for baked goods and the sugar with stevia, erythritol, monk fruit
6. Desserts - try my sweet potato casserole, dark chocolate dipped in ghee or nut butter
7. Calorie free activity - go for a post meal walk or bike ride, take a flashlight, put
on your warm boots, jacket, hat and scarf; go for about 20 minutes
8. Talk your way to great health- having a conversation and catching up with friends and family is a great way to avoid over eating food because your mouth is busy
Check out my Thanksgiving Guide filled with recipes
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