Attention: Are you ready to get healthy and feel better? Enroll Now
Menopause Is Not Optional But Suffering Is
Get A Blueprint To Breeze Through Menopause and Beyond
Get Your Body Feeling Better In Just 90 Days With Our Whole Body Healing Program Designed For Women Over 40
" This has been the most frustrating process ever. All my blood work comes back normal and my doctors are thinking I'm crazy and just need an anti-depressant. There's something wrong and I know it...but no body will listen."
Is This You?
✔ Experiencing embarrassing moment of hot flashes
✔ Have unexplained symptoms being brushed off by their doctor
✔ Struggle with elevated cholesterol even without changing your diet
✔ Feeling confused and frustrated looking for answers on Google
✔ Mood swings from irritability, depression feeling unloved, anxious
✔ Brain fog and struggling remembering things
✔ Keep gaining weight even with more exercise and less calories
✔ Increased gas and bloating
✔ Increased urinary frequency and incontinence
✔ Heart palpitations
✔ Increased sugar cravings
✔ Body aches, pain and fatigue
✔ Doctors tell me that it's just part of aging
You're Not Alone...
"It's amazing that you can start to feel a difference in 7 days and a huge change within 1 month. Prior to seeing Dr. Linda my energy levels were low, sleep was off, brain fog was horrible that it was so embarrassing. I'm about 30 days in and can't wait to see what happens after 90 days! This has literally changed my life!"
“There was 9 month time frame that my body changed so much, I didn't know what to do. My heart was racing, my blood pressure would go up then it would go down, I would experiencing ringing in my ears and my gums were bleeding. I kept thinking I am going to have a heart attack or something is wrong in my head. I saw a cardiologist and they did so many tests and said nothing is wrong with you, it must be stress and anxiety and offered me anti-depressants. I knew something was just not right. I started working with Dr. Linda and we figured out it was my hormones and I was going through peri-menopause because some months were good, some were bad and no matter what my labs said she listened and we worked together to get my body healthy from the inside out. It did take some time but I would do it over again and now I have the tools and know how hormones work and what I need to do.
“Let. me tell you menopause sucks! Every doctor I saw because I was having hot flashes, brain fog, gaining weight and my sleep was horrible, wanted to give me medication and would tell me this will clear up some time. How much was some time I asked and they said maybe a few months or few years, that's what the medication is for, to ease you through the process. I am glad I found Dr. Linda because she's like a detective. She will review the labs with you in a easy way to understand them so that you could see what is really causing your problem. She helped me get the right eating plan for me and literally the first week I could sleep, my brain fog was almost gone, hot flashes were less and definitely less grumpy. ”
“Finally I understand my body, my labs and my hormones and I now have a plan. This probably saved my marriage because I had mood swings from anger to depression. My kids and husband were avoiding me because they didn't want to get in my way. I am no longer that mean woman LOL. Thanks doc!!"
“What I like about Dr. Linda is she is a no nonsense type of doctor. She gives it to you straight and tells you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear. She shows you in your lab work what is causing your problem and what you need to do to fix it. I have never had a doctor explain labs the way she does and just makes sense.”
“I remember the first time I met Dr. Linda she said don't worry we will figure out what we need to do to get your body healthy. All the other doctors couldn't figure me out and just kept telling me it was my age. I was only 45 and that's not old! Even though they kept telling me your labs are great but then it was my age I knew something was not right. It totally made sense that it was my hormones after Dr. Linda explained how they work and what happens when our body is not healthy. She kept focusing on getting my body healthy and teaching me various eating styles a plan to follow and it works! No woman should experience horrible perimenopause"
YOU CAN Find The Answers You've Been Hoping For And Get The Relief You Deserve
Start Feeling And Experiencing Changes In As Little as 7 days! With Our...
Dear Viewer,
We do things differently around here; which is why we get different results. The whole body healing program for women is designed to help women over 40 get some results fast! Because they keep getting brushed off by their doctor and their labs look good and maybe even your hormones are normal.
It doesn’t matter what label has been thrown at you, what diagnosis, or what your blood work looks like. In my 20+ years in the wellness field there are a few things you need to do to build a strong foundation in your health now. When it comes to actually healing, you need to accomplish 3 things:
1. All your systems work together – it’s not just your hormones or your gut or your brain. Your body is one incredible machine with multiple systems that all impact each other. When you get ALL systems rolling at their best, you can feel the difference.
2. Activate all tissues, organs, and glands within your body. You can blame the thyroid; blame your stomach; blame your heart; blame whatever the doctor feels like blaming. Has this gotten you anywhere? Get to what's causing them not to work right. Again, we do things differently for a reason and we can expect different results because of it.
3. Our body is made up of trillions of cells. If these cells don’t work efficiently, you are left feeling like crap. That's why we begin working with your body at a cellular level.
The bottom line is, whether you have a diagnosis or not, you need to heal the entire body – hence the name “whole body healing program.”
When you work with natural products herbs and botanicals they work on what needs to be worked on.
The ones we use are designed to resolve what your body needs resolved. Your body is brilliant and knows what to do to heal itself. You just need to give it the right tools and trust in new possibilities.
The whole body healing program for women over 40 has those tools. I’ve seen thousands of labs and helped individuals reach a level of health they never thought possible. If you need more labs we will let you know. If you don't we will let you know. The bottom line is you have to get the body synchronized so it works together!
We’ve been so trained to separate everything – go see this specialist or take this medication because it only affects the thing we need it for. Does it? If it did, they wouldn’t need the fine print of side effects nor would you be on a dozen different meds or supplements just trying to feel better in some way.
Stop taking crap you don’t need. Start treating your body like the amazing machine it is and give it the tools it needs to run efficiently – ALL systems, organs, glands, tissues, and cells of your body.
I’ve seen miracles happen. Allow yourself to be the next miracle.
Does it help ____? Yes.
The only thing it doesn’t help is cancer and Lyme Disease.
My goal is to help more women get better and keep costs down. If this feels right in your gut, I’d be honored to help you be the next miracle.
Here's to your health,
Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine
The 90-Day Whole Body Healing Supplements
Shipped To Your Doorstep
✔ All supplements needed for the 90 days (plus a few extras for hormone harmony
✔ These supplements are clean: no gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, or any other inflammatory agent.
✔ These supplements require a medical license to access. They also have been tried and tested on millions of patients around the world. If it wasn’t the best, we wouldn’t recommend it.
✔ They’re safe to take with a majority of medications. You’ll know any contraindications with the easy to follow guide that is delivered along with your supplements.
✔ They’re also safe for sensitive individuals but if you’re worried, we have a plan laid out for you too inside the guide.
The 90-Day Whole Body Healing Protocol for Women Over 40
Shipped To Your Doorstep
✔ This guidebook will be a hard copy delivered with the supplements so no technology is needed.
✔ Dr. Linda’s whole body healing 90 day protocol: what supplements to take, when, why, and how much.
✔ Guides you through questions you may have (that others have had) and provides other success tools.
90-Day Access To Work With Dr. Linda & A Group Of Women On The Same Mission As YOU!
✔ During your 90 days Dr. Linda will guide you in your journey.
✔ Facebook group with support & challenges to win prizes
✔ 1 group zoom call per month. It’ll be on the last Thursday of each month from 4 - -5pm PST. These are to assist you with your needs and help interpret what your labs say. You’ll have access to these calls for as long as you’d like to join (past the 90 days).
✔ 2nd bonus group call all things menopause, perimenopause & thyroid
Bonus 1
Heal your Mind, Body, and Spirit Training Suite.
Key aspects to true healing go beyond the physical treatment and dietary plans. When you combine it all, you get even better results.This 90-day online education platform is something Dr. Linda is providing (saving you $1200)
Bonus 2
90 Day Workout Program
Sculpt your body with this 90 day program. See and feel the difference. You will love the way your body looks and feels!
Bonus 3
Our Private Cookbook to make the dietary changes easy
Speed up the healing process with special recipes, to make it as easy as possible. Eat clean during the 90 days then we will teach you how to add the foods you love back in.

Meet Your Menopause Advocate
Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine, is a women's wellness expert. She specializes in functional medicine helping thousands of individuals with seemingly impossible health struggles, find answers, healing, and hope, even if they’ve been told their blood work is normal.
Dr. Linda co hosted a podcast with a fellow nurse practitioner helping people just like you get answers to their health challenges.
I’ve read thousands of labs and helped many patients including doctors and nurses as our patients
When you work with this many women you begin to see patterns and you have to find the fastest way to get relief and see changes as quickly as possible.
You will find natural and drugless solutions to YOUR menopause whether you choose to use Hormone Replacement Therapy or Not. It's your body and your choice. Get the facts & choose.
I’ve figured that out.
Whole Body Healing 90-Day Program For Women 40+
Designed To Help An Unhealthy Body Get Healthy,
The Lady Way
Got questions?
Schedule a free 15-minute consultation:
“Dr. Linda Marquez Goodine does not interpret blood work to diagnose or treat a diagnosis. Nor does she teach you to read blood work this way. Enter her world and your blood work becomes a tool that helps you go from unhealthy to healthy.
This blood work training is for educational purposes only and should not replace any medical advice given. When a lab marker is out of range, appropriate care should be pursued.
All Sales Are Final. No Refunds. As with any health endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion. Therefore, you should NOT invest in this opportunity if you think you might want to refund it. Dr. Linda and her team are only interested in people who are honestly committed to their health and true healing. The unethical behavior of gaining all that is involved in this opportunity then asking for a refund is not accepted here. Once again, there are NO refunds for this opportunity.